掐丝珐琅座青白玉七珍 (7件一堂)

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掐丝珐琅座青白玉七珍 (7件一堂)

A Set of 7-piece Jade Rarities with Wiry Enameled Base


清乾隆 Qing Dynasty, Qianlong period (1736-1795)

通高(H)36cm;底长(Base Length)13cm;宽(W)11cm





A set of 7-piece Rarities are also called 7-piece Treasured Tricks which are consecrate implements before Buddha. They are said to be from Cakra Vartin, the ancient Hindu mythologic king. The 7 Rarities respectively are 1.) a wheel for subduing devils from 4 corners; 2.) an elephant, the symbol of Buddhism; 3.) a house for touring the world of life and death; 4.) Cinta-Mani beads for purification; 5.) the femininity, the consecrate to Cakra Vartin, 6.) the masculinity, the treasury keeper; and 7.) a warrior, the Dhammapala of Cakra Vartin. In Buddhism, the 7 Rarities stand for “7 Dzogchen and 7 sapta bodhyanga”---7 practices to improve consciousness and wisdom.

This set of 7-piece Jade Rarities were vividly made with light greenish white jade of Hotan, Xinjiang with exquisite craftsmanship. The bases of them are wiry enameled and made in 3 layers---The upper layer is in the design of double lotus; the middle layer is in gourd shape for grasping; and the lower layer is a short ring foot decorated with design of winding branches. The round holder underneath is made of red sandalwood, which is engraved with petal and cirrus cloud design. The whole set had been consecrated in the west side hall of the Yang Xing Dian (Hall of Cultivation of Character).